Become a Website Developer…but why?

Stephon Fraser
3 min readFeb 26, 2021

“I wanna learn how to code to build the next facebo — “ stop ✋…right there. Let’s rethink this.

Website Development, a world where we can build beautiful websites that catches the eyes of users. There’s no limit to what you can do and learn, and that’s where the field flourishes, but why should one become a website developer and what should we focus on?

Don’t rush in thinking it’s all rainbows 🌈 and butterflies 🦋

Coding sounds fun, but it’s not always😐. I remember being stuck many times on just one simple feature on a website I was building and getting frustrated because I just couldn’t get it right. At that point, I regretted even choosing the career path, but once I’ve found the problem and fixed it, I literally cried tears of joy. It’s easy to lose passion in anything you were once passionate about, but with a really good resolve, you can stick to that path and do extremely well. It’s safe to say, you need a good resolve to be a website developer or just any developer of that matter.

If you’re on Instagram following programming meme pages or in Facebook coding groups, you’re gonna see a lot of memes about debugging, and trust me, it’s factual. Developers spend hours on projects writing lines and lines of codes and doing a bunch of research, and you’d often bump into bugs. And yeah…you’d lose your mind at times. But with great resolve, as I mentioned earlier, you’d find yourself not only solving these issues but sticking to the field and becoming an even better developer than you were.

Don’t tell yourself you’re just building ‘websites’

Yes, I know, it’s called Website Development because you’re ‘developing websites’, but if you keep telling yourself that, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing; building bland, repetitive websites that have little or no meaning at all to the worldwide web. It’s like some of those ‘browsers’ out there that NO ONE uses.

Instead, try to think of what you’re building as a solution. Look for problems that currently exist in existing services or even build a website you think the world needs that haven’t been built as yet. You’re looking for problems and ‘building’ the solution. I’ve met with many new developers who think that the key to their success is building the next social media site like Facebook or Instagram. These are social media giants. It’s not impossible, but it won’t have much success unless your site has something the world needed that existing ones don’t have. Still, it will take some time for people to completely trust your site, or even discover it. My advice: try to focus on things that are much more important to your community or businesses. In doing so, you can build your portfolio and clientele. This will keep you active as a website developer.



Stephon Fraser

Guyanese Transwoman, Software Developer, and Writer